I Don’t Exactly Hate The Holidays

But I admit to being tired of some aspects of them at this point, Please take your pumpkin spice everything and do unspeakable things with it. Christmas music starting in November? There is only so much Bing, Burl, and Mariah a person can handle. Christmas music part 2: turn down the level in retail stores.Continue reading “I Don’t Exactly Hate The Holidays”

Sugar, Grease, Protein: The Post-Race Food Groups

It was hot out there today, even for a 5K. And that’s eight days after an 8K trail run. Not a huge complaint. More of an observation, since this is acknowledged to be the hottest summer since anyone began maintaining meteorological records. I am a pre-race creature of habit. I eat the same things, withContinue reading “Sugar, Grease, Protein: The Post-Race Food Groups”

Injected With A New Lease On Life

I finally did it. After decades of nagging back and hip pain, I saw a neurosurgeon and a pain management specialist. And got an injection that literally hit me in the sacroiliac. I did not even know I had such a body part, never mind knowing where it was or what it was for. IContinue reading “Injected With A New Lease On Life”

Going From Stressed Out To Surviving Better

It’s been a helluva two weeks here. From hacked credit cards to four weeks straight of competing to the dreaded “Check Engine Light” glowering from the dashboard to a daylong hospital stay. And I only signed up for the four weeks of competition. Not the rest of it. The credit cards were shut down, theContinue reading “Going From Stressed Out To Surviving Better”

Workouts: Pair, Group, Or Solo Style?

I met up with friends for breakfast yesterday, following a 5K race at a local animal sanctuary. It was good to see them, as the pandemic, work, and (their) kids’ lives had disrupted regular adult contact. The race went well, despite the heat; it started after 9 a.m. The restaurant was crowded but our serverContinue reading “Workouts: Pair, Group, Or Solo Style?”

When Body Parts Go Bad

We live in a world of easy replacements. If your phone, TV, computer, or any appliance decides to self-destruct, you can get a new one pretty fast. Thanks to the shortages brought on by the pandemic, it may not be exactly the make or model you wanted, and it’s priced higher than you anticipated, butContinue reading “When Body Parts Go Bad”

You Had Me At “You’re Awesome”

To the lady I beat at yesterday’s trail race: I didn’t like you from the first half-mile. You were ahead of me, and I could tell you were in my age group. To make matters worse, you were ahead of me and you were walking and running, and still staying ahead of me, while IContinue reading “You Had Me At “You’re Awesome””

Espresso Shots Part 2: We Added Stuff And Now We’re Fancy

It’s cold here today, at least by southern standards. My run was done at 36 degrees this morning because the cowards I swim with voted to close the pool. Seriously, why do that? The pool is heated. OK, getting out and dashing through the dimly-lit chill isn’t a thrill, but it’s not that far toContinue reading “Espresso Shots Part 2: We Added Stuff And Now We’re Fancy”

Cold Enough For A Double Shot (And Tea…And Ramen)

Today’s 10K was a 100% rain event. In other words, it started raining 10 minutes before the gun, and it still has not stopped. And it’s chilly in this part of the country. And while not even close to freezing, once you’re wet, it does not get better. I drove home wet. It was rainingContinue reading “Cold Enough For A Double Shot (And Tea…And Ramen)”

And We’re Off! With An Espresso Boost, Of Course

The racing season is underway. One trail race, one asphalt race, and one swim meet are in the books. Coming up: another trail race and two asphalt races, and four swim meets in five months’ time. I am packing it in with doses of the athlete’s little helper: espresso and cappuccino. The Husband and IContinue reading “And We’re Off! With An Espresso Boost, Of Course”